Folk Tales and Fables of the World, Barbara Hayes, Illustrated by Robert Ingpen
. Aesop’s Fables, Illustrated by Boris Artzybasheff, Vintage 1945, 4th Printing, HC
Better Homes and Gardens Second Storybook, Treasury of Stories, Vintage 1952
. The Blue Fairy Book, Andrew Lang, Jim Spanfeller Illustrated, Junior Deluxe HC DJ
The Purloining of Prince Oleomargarine by Mark Twain and Philip Stead
. Duffy and the Devil: A Cornish Tale Retold by Harve Zemach, Vintage 1974, 2nd Print
Russian Lacquer, Legends and Fairytales by Lucy Maxym, Vintage 1985
Stories From Around the World, Retold by Heather Amery, Usborne Book
Up a Tall Tree by Anne Rockwell, Pictures by Jim Arnosky, Vintage 1981, Hardcover Book with Dust Jacket in Mylar
The Mitten by Alvin Tresselt, Illustrated by Yaroslava, Vintage 1964, Hardcover Book